
Psychogenealogy is a tool focusing on family memories and their transmission: what may be their effects across generations?

Whether it is by our DNA, our education, our ancestries, an infinity of information has been passed down to us. These informations, our genetics are established yet it is constantly evolving, adapting, influenced by our environment, stress, experiences or emotions. Thus psychogenealogy is the study of our family tree allowing us to understand our heritage: its assets & weaknesses. Acknowledging where we are coming from without being prisoner of it.

This study brings to light family loyalties, patterns which influence our choices & behaviour. This unconscious is thus brought to the conscious; only then we modify what needs to be according to one’s identity.

Such realization allows an emotional liberation.

How does it work?

There isn’t any preparation to do in advance, you’ll only discuss.

Any of these practices do not replace conventional medicine.